Privacy Policy


The personal data of users provided with the registration procedure are processed in an authorized form.

The site manager considers and processes the information on personal data that the User enters and disseminates through the Service, in the same way as private correspondence.

The site manager therefore, will not independently control, disseminate, or communicate such information, as well as information relating to the User, except as provided in these notes.

The User's personal data will be processed: for the management, provision of the various services and for the related assistancefor the processing of statistical and market analysesfor the sending of communications relating to services and initiatives of the site managerfor the sending of information relating to business-to-business and business-to consumer services and any promotions and/or services presented on the site.

The User acknowledges that the site manager may intervene on the aforementioned information, where he believes in good faith that such activity is necessary for:

a. comply with legal requirements;

b. comply with a legal provision, including a provision of the Judicial Authority or other competent authority;

c. assert its rights under these notes;

d. defend itself from disputes by third parties who assert that such content violates their rights; e. protect the interests of the site manager or third parties.

The User acknowledges and agrees that the site manager may have access to the information or content disseminated through the Service, in all cases in which such access is necessary in order to identify or resolve a technical problem, or to respond to complaints relating to the Service. The User acknowledges and agrees that the technical processing and treatment of the information is or may be necessary to:

f. send or receive such data;

g. perform planning or programming functions;

h. comply with the technical specifications required by the network connection;

i. comply with the technical specifications of the Service.

The site manager is authorized to process and store in its databases the name, type of service, service activity reports and other information of the User, which concern this Agreement or any Service provided by virtue of it.

The User authorizes the processing by the site manager of such data for the purposes inherent to the execution of this Agreement and the provision of the services contemplated therein.

Furthermore, pursuant to art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, the User authorizes the site manager to store, process and communicate data relating to the User, for the following purposes: customer service (administration, accounting, contract management, orders, invoicing, debt collection), marketing, promotion, statistical analysis, customer satisfaction surveys, audits, storage of historical data, pre-contractual information.

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